Thanks for helping at the danish wiktionary! :-) Kinamand 21:16, 2008 febul 22id (UTC)
- No problem, Kinamand. I'm glad I could help. Cheers! Malafaya 21:21, 2008 febul 22id (UTC)
- This is fron el-wiktonary: What is the right word instead of apotheke? You are welcome to us and help us write all words correct! //// Sofianagn 21:31, 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2008 (UTC)
Vöd at no dabinon in vödabuk ela de Jong (te vöd: turban = turbante). Ba in bal vödabukas vönädik (Volapüka ela Schleyer)... --Smeira 03:31, 2008 febul 25id (UTC)
Samafomot nulik
redakönGlidis, o Malafaya! Ejafob samafomoti nulik: {{EnVöd}} ad pagebön pro vöds Linglänapükik. As sam: aback. Jinos lü ob, das atos binon gudikum, ka geb samafomotas mödik: -en-, -sub- e r., su pads Linglänapükik. Kisi cedol-li? (Evotükob vödi: eight, keli ijafol, as sam pluik.) --Smeira 23:25, 2008 febul 27id (UTC) (PP.: If cedol samafomoti at gudiki, kanoy jafön sümikosi ad pagebön i pro vöds Portugänapükik, Fransänapükik e r.)
- Cedob, das samafomot et binon gudik. Ya ägebob oni :) (a.s. seven, საქართველო). Danö, Malafaya 14:33, 2008 febul 28id (UTC)
Samafomot PtVöd
redakönGlidis! Evotükob samafomoti: PtVöd ad mögükön gebi pronas tel: Brasilänik e Portugänik. Logolös eli também. Geb: if el "pron" no pagebon (u binon vägik: "pron="), samafomot gebon eli "pron_b" (pron Brasilänik) ed eli "pron_p" (pron Portugänik). If el "pron" pagebon, samafomot no gebon eli "pron_b" ed eli "pron_p", ab te eli "pron" (a.s. preto). Kludo: gebolös samafomoti at soäsä jünu edunol (me "pron=") if dabinon pron te bal; if prons tel dabinon, no gebolös eli "pron=", ab gebolös eli "pron_b=" ed eli "pron_p". --Smeira 04:15, 2008 febul 29id (UTC)
- Anu evotükob dönu samafomoti: PtVöd ad jonön kladis mödik vöda ot. Ad jonön kladi pluik, gebolös eli "2klad" (ed i "2klad2", "2plän1", "2sam1", "2trsam1", "2plän2", ...). As sam: finlandês, preto. Vö! anu golob lü bed ad slipön. Inté! --Smeira 05:10, 2008 febul 29id (UTC)
- Koldälikö! (=cool!) :). Danö! Malafaya 11:55, 2008 febul 29id (UTC)
redakönOcorreu-me agora uma pergunta, o Malafaya! Para beneficiar um usuário, digamos, português do Vükivödabuk, o que é melhor: entrar páginas novas sobre palavras portuguesas (p.ex. cama), ou adicionar traduções portuguesas a palavras Volapük (p.ex. bed)? Dos dois jeitos o usuário português poderia encontrar a palavra Volapük procurando pelo termo português na caixinha "suk"... --Smeira 22:51, 2008 mäzul 2id (UTC)
- Acho que os dois. Desse modo teríamos um dicionário bidirecional PT-VO e VO-PT. Já dum ponto de vista mais "egoísta", dá-me pessoalmente mais jeito ter um dicionário *-VO do que ao contrário já que pretendo mais escrever do que ler :). Malafaya 11:01, 2008 mäzul 3id (UTC)
- Mas já que o "suk" procura nos dois tipos, se você tiver a tradução portuguesa de uma palavra volapük na página volapük você pode encontrar essa palavra procurando pela portuguesa, mesmo que não exista ainda a página da palavra portuguesa (essa frase não parece muito clara, espero que dê pra entender...)
- Ah, uma outra coisinha. Você viu a descoberta do Robert lá no grupo Volapük? Alguém uploadou pro yutube um vídeo sobre Volapük (e em português! -- acho que foi tradução de algum vídeo inglês) onde aparecem o Ralph e o Brian Bishop. Caso você não tenha visto, eis aqui o link: --Smeira 19:00, 2008 mäzul 4id (UTC)
- Sim, percebi. Isso resulta com palavras que não tenham mais que um sentido, sim. Darei uma olhada nesse video assim que tiver oportunidade. Obrigado, Malafaya 10:33, 2008 mäzul 5id (UTC)
- Curioso. Imaginava o Ralph um pouco mais novo :). Malafaya 17:07, 2008 mäzul 5id (UTC)
- Eu também! (Mas se pensarmos que a Vög Volapüka já existe desde os anos '80...) --Smeira 03:06, 2008 mäzul 8id (UTC)
- Curioso. Imaginava o Ralph um pouco mais novo :). Malafaya 17:07, 2008 mäzul 5id (UTC)
- Sim, percebi. Isso resulta com palavras que não tenham mais que um sentido, sim. Darei uma olhada nesse video assim que tiver oportunidade. Obrigado, Malafaya 10:33, 2008 mäzul 5id (UTC)
redakönEstive pensando se não seria uma melhor idéia, ao invés de pôr termos homógrafos de línguas diferentes na mesma página (como "se" do português e "se" do Volapük, ambos em se), pô-los em páginas diferentes (digamos, se (vo) e se (pt), com se sendo uma página de desambiguação entre eles. O que você acha? Será que valeria a pena? (Noto que os outros Wiktionaries não fazem isso; você sabe por quê?) --Smeira 03:06, 2008 mäzul 8id (UTC)
- Para ser sincero, não gosto muito. Julgo que os outros WIktionaries não o fazem porque complicaria bastante a gestão das palavras (de cada vez que surge a mesma palavra numa segunda língua, tem que mover páginas) e a pesquisa (quando se pesquisa uma palavra, ter-se-ia que passar quase sempre por uma dsambiguação; por vezes, pode-se nem saber exactamente qual a língua pretendida). Além que, fazendo isso, quebraria as relações dos interwikis, que no caso do Wiktionary, têm que corresponder exactamente ao título da página entre páginas ligadas.
- Hm, creio que você tem razão. OK, deixo de lado essa idéia. Vamos em frente com vem sendo até agora.
Uma outra perguntinha: como introduzir traduções de mais de uma palavra? Por exemplo, adelao quer dizer: de hoje em diante, a partir de hoje, a começar hoje, começando hoje. Nenhuma dessas possíveis traduções é uma palavra só. Mas se eu usar o samafomot {{trad, ele vai tratar essas expressões como se fossem uma palavra só, e vai tentar ligá-las a uma página que as tenha como título. Mas uma tal página nunca vai existir, certo? Será que deveríamos pôr links separados para cada palavra? E como lidam com esse problema nos outros Wiktionarios, você sabe? --Smeira 03:19, 2008 mäzul 8id (UTC)
- No inglês, eles não têm problema e consideram várias palavras como uma única (expressão). Vê por exemplo, en:blog. A tradução árabe tem 2 palavras. Essa tradução de 2 palavras até tem o seu próprio artigo. Malafaya 14:56, 2008 mäzul 8id (UTC)
- Hm, entendo. Então expressões ou combinações de mais de uma palavra são consideradas como entradas independentes. OK, nesse caso, em princípio, "de hoje em diante" pode ter sua própria página. OK, problema resolvido. --Smeira 22:28, 2008 mäzul 8id (UTC)
- Sim, tem sido isso o que tenho visto. Normalmente há a tendência para deixar essas expressões mais complexas vermelhinhas (sem artigo criado) mas parece ser essa a filosofia: a criação de um artigo com uma expressão complexa. Malafaya 12:29, 2008 mäzul 9id (UTC)
- Hm, entendo. Então expressões ou combinações de mais de uma palavra são consideradas como entradas independentes. OK, nesse caso, em princípio, "de hoje em diante" pode ter sua própria página. OK, problema resolvido. --Smeira 22:28, 2008 mäzul 8id (UTC)
redakönHello, I don't know if you're the admin here, if not, I'm probably bothering for nothing, but here I go.
I'm a user that contributes at my national wiki (I'd prefer not to say which one) and every time I'm adding/modifying an article, I obviously look at the interwiki and find this language sometimes. All's well till here. I come, I see the bot's declision and stuff, but when I want to write the meaning... nothing. It seems to me that when it comes to the translations section, this place is a lot behind. I know it's not really easy work, but come on, at least english.... I can work it out from there.
Hope you have the time or power to do something about this (maybe another bot can extract the meaning from another online translation dictionary and automaticly put some translations here... it's just a tip, I know it's kinda hard to do that, but I also know it could be done), and I'm well aware that translations can't appear out of thin air, but please... try.
PS answer on your discussion page pls, I have a dinamic IP (or something). 22:15, 2008 mayul 10id (UTC)
- Hi there, dear Wiktionarian. Although I'm not an admin here, you're absolutely right. Most of the words are lacking translations. You have the German translation though in the 'Tradutods rigik' section as they are based in a specific dictionary of the 19th century. All the other translations are/would be extrapolated from that one. Anyway, I'll give it a try to improve it (take a look at dog, for instance). Cheers and thanks for the hint, Malafaya 23:25, 2008 mayul 11id (UTC)
fy wikt
redakönThank you, thank you, thank you! You are so incredibly cool. Yes, I think that fixes everything people complained about, but er, since I don't speak the language, there's some chance I might be back over here bugging you. But I don't think so. Snakesteuben 14:50, 2008 mayul 20id (UTC)
- No problem. If something is not quite right, I can try fixing it. Cheers, Malafaya 15:28, 2008 mayul 20id (UTC)
Thanks again. Do you have a fan page like Spacebirdy's? If you do, point me. If not, you need one.
I'll take a look at cosmetic changes, tomorrow I hope. How hard can it be? (Famous last words? ;-) )
Winterxx (Username:Snakesteuben 00:59, 2008 mayul 22id (UTC))
redakönDear Malafaya, as an Administrator, you are allowed into #wikimedia-admin, the cross-wiki coordination channel for Wikimedia administrators. Any member of the channel can invite you in temporarily, but you need an invite exemption from a channel operator to get in whenever you want. Please come to #wikimedia and ask for an invite.
Any admin from any project is welcome and it is a good place for cross-wiki coordination of vandal and spam fighting. It is also useful for new admins to contact more experienced admins in real-time to get help with the more complicated admin tasks such as history merges/splits and importing via Special:Import.
- Please remember to translate the interface at betawiki: only and to upload images preferably at commons:
Thank you
Best regards, --birdy (:> )=| 13:07, 2008 mayul 23id (UTC)
re:Help with Monobook.css and .js
redakönOlá Malafaya, everything looks fine, You have that problem, because You recently added something to the css., You just need to clear Your cache. If I may, I would suggest to put the js and css for the toggleNavBar things into the Common.css and .js because if someone uses a skin like Modern for example he won't see the translations nice then.
Best regards, --birdy (:> )=| 21:10, 2008 setul 10id (UTC)
Temporary access expired
redakönHello Malafaya. The temporary access you requested on this wiki has expired). Thanks. Dungodung 17:15, 2008 novul 23id (UTC)
- Ok, thank you. I don't have an immediate need for a renewal so I'll postpone it for now. Thanks again, Malafaya 17:07, 2008 novul 24id (UTC)
redakönHello Malafaya :) I've got a question about Volapük nouns and you are the only active user I know who knows a bit about Volapük. Is there only one way to decline nouns? --Ooswesthoesbes 11:06, 2009 gustul 26id (UTC)
Are adjectives inflected the same as nouns? --Ooswesthoesbes 21:37, 2010 yulul 28id (UTC)
- I think I understand it :P So, if they are immediately placed behind the noun they don't get an inflection? --Ooswesthoesbes 09:56, 2010 yulul 29id (UTC)
- Ok :) thank you! I'll soon try to add some Volapük adjectives :) --Ooswesthoesbes 10:05, 2010 yulul 29id (UTC)
- Well, if I add entrees in languages I don't speak, I don't usually add examples, so it isn't really of any importance at this moment :) --Ooswesthoesbes 10:14, 2010 yulul 29id (UTC)
- There are no comparative inflections, like: big - bigger - biggest? --Ooswesthoesbes 10:16, 2010 yulul 29id (UTC)
- Ok, can those be inflected as well? Like gudikuma or something similar? --Ooswesthoesbes 10:26, 2010 yulul 29id (UTC)
- Thank you :) --Ooswesthoesbes 10:30, 2010 yulul 29id (UTC)
- Vo.wikt :) --Ooswesthoesbes 07:52, 2010 yulul 30id (UTC)
- I guess so :) --Ooswesthoesbes 10:15, 2010 yulul 30id (UTC)
- Vo.wikt :) --Ooswesthoesbes 07:52, 2010 yulul 30id (UTC)
- Thank you :) --Ooswesthoesbes 10:30, 2010 yulul 29id (UTC)
- Ok, can those be inflected as well? Like gudikuma or something similar? --Ooswesthoesbes 10:26, 2010 yulul 29id (UTC)
- There are no comparative inflections, like: big - bigger - biggest? --Ooswesthoesbes 10:16, 2010 yulul 29id (UTC)
- Well, if I add entrees in languages I don't speak, I don't usually add examples, so it isn't really of any importance at this moment :) --Ooswesthoesbes 10:14, 2010 yulul 29id (UTC)
- Ok :) thank you! I'll soon try to add some Volapük adjectives :) --Ooswesthoesbes 10:05, 2010 yulul 29id (UTC)
Please protect the logo file
redakönHello Malafaya, I noticed that File:Wiki.png is not protected. This is the logo used for this project, and changing this file will change the logo on all pages of this project. People with bad intension may upload a bad image to vandalise the site logo easily. Please protect this logo by only allowing administrators to upload new versions. Please feel free to leave me a message. Kind Regards. --Bencmq 22:30, 2011 tobul 29id (UTC)
- From page source it says the logo is at which means it is File:Wiki.png at vo.wiktionary. There was some messy organisation in the configuration, some are hosted locally some are at Commons :P best regards. --Bencmq 02:49, 2011 tobul 31id (UTC)
Some questions about Volapük
redakönHello Malafaya,
I would like to know some things about Volapük :
- Is it a very souple language which allows the fact of using a personal pronoun as a normal root ? In other words, is it correct to make a word as obapük ("my language") ?
- Where can we find a detailed grammar book and a Volapük to English (or French) dictionary on the Internet ? Can you give me some sites ?
Thanks in advance. --Jagwar 22:37, 2011 dekul 27id (UTC)
- Hi, Jagwar.
- First of all, I don't think "obapük" would be correct, not because it violates any principle, but simply because I never saw it anywhere as such. The normal form would be "pük obik/oba". I belive that when you join 2 words like "obapük", you don't mean a real possession but a characteristic of some kind of object/concept. For example, delagased (dela + gased) is, in general, a day/daily newspaper. It's not a newspaper of some specific day (which would be represented by "gased dela", newspaper of day X). This is my opinion, and I believe it's somewhat like German for instance. With "oba", you can never be this generic, so it's probably wrong to say "obapük".
- As for dictionaries, you can find resources at , but the dictionaries here are a bit outdated. For fresher resources, you can check (and maybe join) the Yahoo! Volapük Group. There are many courses there too (Volapük Vifik, Volapük For Everyone, Volapük In Action) as well as grammars, including the original "GRAMAT VOLAPÜKA IN VOLAPÜK". Ah, bear in mind there are two Volapüks: the original Schleyer version, which some people still use, and the de Jong's revised version. There are some significant differences. The Kadäm Volapüka uses the latter. Malafaya 11:10, 2011 dekul 28id (UTC)
Your temporary access is going to expire soon
redakön- Expired, but of course you can re-apply on meta if needed :) Pundit (talk) 07:08, 2014 novul 6id (UTC)
Translating the interface in your language, we need your help
redakönPlease register on if you didn't yet and then help complete priority translations (make sure to select your language in the language selector). With a couple hours' work or less, you can make sure that nearly all visitors see the wiki interface fully translated. Nemo 14:06, 2015 prilul 26id (UTC)
Names of Wikimedia Languages
redakönDear Malafaya,
we are initiating a long needed action - we would like to translate names of all Wikimedia languages to all Wikimedia languages in the next two months. We have noticed that you are one of few users active on Volapük Wiktionary and that is the reason why we are taking liberty to contact you.
We hope that you would be interesting to help us in our endeavor - To make this action easier we have already prepared the list of all Wikimedia languages, and for each language we have already prepared the page with existing and missing translations. So when you go to the page for your language you would have two tasks - to check whether existing translations are OK and to fill in the missing one. The more detailed instruction are on the language page.
What are the benefits of this work?
- We believe it is about time to have all Wikimedia languages translated to all Wikimedia languages :)
- Translated languages will be parsed into Wiktionary and the resulting number of Wiktionary entries will be significant for each language. That could significantly increase the number of entries for less developed Wiktionaries, and improve the quality of entries in general.
- Wikidata - this would be great contribution to Wikidata.
- All other projects could benefit from this list (Wiki Travel :)), as we believe that certain amount of terms has to be properly translated to all languages.
We are gathered around the project Wiktionary Meets Matica Srpska and we hope that you would be interesting in working with us! If you have any questions you can ask them on the Names of Wikimedia languages discussion page or via personal emails.
Important notice: The data are licensed under CC0, as they should be incorporated into Wikidata at the end of the process.
If you don’t want to receive future announcement about the project, please leave a note on discussion page.
Thank you and looking forward to hear from you! team
Renewal of adminship
redakönAs you might already be aware, your adminship is expiring shortly. To minimize the hassle, I suggest you ask for objections yet again on Vükivödabuk:Sysop_access#Geban:Malafaya so - should there be none - your adminship can be extended. Yours, Savh (bespik) 11:51, 2015 setul 27id (UTC)
- Done, and re-requested at Meta. I only now realized I was given only 6 months, after I was awarded a whole year the previous time. Was somebody displeased with my work :D ? Malafaya (bespik) 16:51, 2015 tobul 2id (UTC)