Jenotaliseds notidik valik
Kobojonam jenotalisedas löpükamas, moükamas, jelodamas, stöbamas e guvanas. Ad brefükam lisedi, kanoy välön lisedasoti, gebananemi, u padi tefik.
- 02:19, 2007 setul 24id Drini bespik keblünots blocked bespik with an expiration time of 6 months (te gebans nennemik, jaf lönaspada penemögükon) (spambot on the wild)
- 14:50, 2007 setul 23id Drini bespik keblünots blocked bespik with an expiration time of 3 months (te gebans nennemik, jaf lönaspada penemögükon) (spambot running wild on wikis)
- 20:23, 2007 setul 22id Drini bespik keblünots blocked bespik with an expiration time of 3 months (te gebans nennemik, jaf lönaspada penemögükon) (spambot on the wild)
- 20:23, 2007 setul 22id Drini bespik keblünots emoükon padi: dictionary (content was: '{{delete}}')
- 23:18, 2007 setul 21id Drini bespik keblünots blocked bespik with an expiration time of muls 6 (te gebans nennemik, jaf lönaspada penemögükon) (spambot)
- 23:18, 2007 setul 21id Drini bespik keblünots emoükon padi: survival of all human up to divergent (content was: '{{delete}}')
- 22:28, 2007 setul 19id Drini bespik keblünots emoükon padi: microsoft mac linux operation system science kind search motor (content was: '{{delete}}')
- 22:05, 2007 setul 19id Drini bespik keblünots blocked bespik with an expiration time of 1 month (te gebans nennemik, jaf lönaspada penemögükon) (spambot running on wiktionaries)
- 19:32, 2007 setul 19id Drini bespik keblünots blocked bespik with an expiration time of 1 month (te gebans nennemik, jaf lönaspada penemögükon) (spambot)
- 19:32, 2007 setul 19id Drini bespik keblünots blocked bespik with an expiration time of mul 1 (te gebans nennemik, jaf lönaspada penemögükon) (spambot)
- 19:31, 2007 setul 19id Drini bespik keblünots emoükon padi: divergent moneyaction (content was: '{{delete}}')
- 19:31, 2007 setul 19id Drini bespik keblünots emoükon padi: english usa divergent friendship (content was: '{{delete}}')
- 19:09, 2007 setul 18id Drini bespik keblünots protected Vükivödabuk:Nospam ([edit=sysop:move=sysop] [cascading]) (jen)
- 19:08, 2007 setul 18id Drini bespik keblünots blocked bespik with an expiration time of mul 1 (te gebans nennemik, jaf lönaspada penemögükon) (spambot)
- 19:08, 2007 setul 18id Drini bespik keblünots emoükon padi: spirit save (content was: '{{delete|spambot nonsense}}protect human from evil devil deccal by using hell wall featureevil devil deccal acting space deep feature meaning time...')
- 19:08, 2007 setul 18id Drini bespik keblünots emoükon padi: w/index.php (content was: '{{delete}}')
- 19:08, 2007 setul 18id Drini bespik keblünots emoükon padi: saving spirit (content was: '{{delete}}protect human from evil devil deccal by using hell wall feature energy (time...) matter antimatter and scientific store use science kind...')
- 19:08, 2007 setul 18id Drini bespik keblünots emoükon padi: money and power divergent (content was: '{{delete}}probability of underscience+dictionary balance kind enlarge probability create language energy (time...) matter antimatter and scientific...')
- 19:08, 2007 setul 18id Drini bespik keblünots emoükon padi: divergent money and power (content was: '{{delete}}antimatterscience+dictionary balance kind enlarge probability create language energy (time...) matter antimatter and scientific store us...')
- 19:08, 2007 setul 18id Drini bespik keblünots emoükon padi: Vükivödabuk:General disclaimer (content was: '{{delete}}')
- 19:08, 2007 setul 18id Drini bespik keblünots emoükon padi: Science2 (content was: '{{delete}}science+dictionarykind enlarge probabilitywisdomconscienceislamic sciencekuran sciencescienceengineeringaurawarpcosmosenergy...')
- 19:07, 2007 setul 18id Drini bespik keblünots blocked bespik with an expiration time of muls 3 (te gebans nennemik, jaf lönaspada penemögükon) (spambot)
- 19:07, 2007 setul 18id Gebanakal: Drini bespik keblünots pejafon