Vükivödabuk:Volapük stabik
(Pelüodükon de pad: VVB:VOLAPUK)
Glidis! (Brefod: VVB:VOLAPUK)
- Three basic phrases:
- Greetings! : Glidis!
- Thanks! : Danö!
- I am very sorry. : Pidob vemo.
- Short texts and readings at various levels (with word-by-word translations into English: [1]): http://web.onetel.net.uk/~rmidgley/
redakön- English-Volapük: http://vo.wikibooks.org/wiki/Vödabuk_Linglänapük-Volapük
- Volapük-English: http://vo.wikibooks.org/wiki/Vödabuk_Volapük-Linglänapük
- Additions (Fövots) to the main Volapük dictionary (translated into German): http://www.filip.ouvaton.org/vp/foev/foevots.html
redakön- In English: http://vo.wikibooks.org/wiki/Introduction_to_Volapük
- In German: http://www.filip.ouvaton.org/vp/lehrbuch/index.html
- Ten-lesson course in English (recommended): http://personal.southern.edu/~caviness/Volapuk/VolVifik/volvif00.html
Ad lärnön pluikosi
redakön- Short texts and readings at various levels (with translations into English): http://web.onetel.net.uk/~rmidgley/